
While our goal is to help you maintain your teeth for a lifetime, sometimes teeth need a little extra help. In order to accomplish our goal of a perfect smile Dr. Lee uses the latest technology in the dental field. Dr. Michael Lee enjoys learning how to integrate state-of-the-art equipment into his practice. Utilizing the latest advancements in dentistry allows Dr. Michael Lee to treat patients with less pain and in fewer visits which equals less time in the dental chair and a more comfortable experience from start to finish.

Regardless of your dental needs, your comfort is always our number one priority. We'll discuss your unique situation and determine the best way to help you receive the treatment you need. Few patients look forward to any minor surgical procedure, but today's methods provide the safest, least invasive care possible.

Composite Fillings

Cavities, chips, and fractures can occur on any tooth surface throughout the mouth. The composite filling material is tooth-colored and provides a versatile solution to many common problems. Blended into a prepared area, the composite polishes to a smooth, undetectable finish.

Learn more about composite fillings >

Solea Laser

Solea is the first CO2 dental laser system cleared by the FDA for hard and soft tissue procedures. Eliminating the need for anesthesia and replacing the dental drill in most procedures, this makes the procedure quicker and shot-free.

Learn more about Solea Laser >

Tooth-colored Crowns

Zironia crowns are a good estheic option for treating large tooth decay. It does not have the same retentive features of the traditional stainless steel crowns and multiple factors are evaluated before recommending this treatment.

Learn more about toot-colored crowns >

Stainless Steel Crowns

Recommended for children susceptible to dental caries or where there is large tooth decay. For children with baby teeth stainless steel crowns are a better option than other metals because of durability, they are inexpensive and less sensitive.

Learn more about stainless steel crowns >


While many patients are concerned about pulpotomies, modern dentistry often makes this procedure as quick and simple as any other procedure. Infected teeth in danger of removal can be disinfected and filled with a sealer, leaving a safe solution for problematic situations.

Learn more about pulpotomies >